Enhancing & Supporting the Ministries of Westwood Lutheran Church

The Westwood Lutheran Memorial Foundation is a non-profit organization 501 (c)(3)
chartered to “Impact people’s lives by enriching and supporting the ministries of Westwood Lutheran Church.”


How You Can Be Involved

The Westwood Foundation enables members, friends, and family of Westwood Lutheran Church to leave legacy gifts that benefit the church’s programming, its mission, and its outreach. 

While the church operating budget is focused on operational needs, the Foundation grants create opportunities for the church to expand and venture into new areas of ministry. 

Through six areas of interest, donors may specify the focus of their gift to areas that encompass our lives at Westwood and in the community.

Westwood Foundation Partnerships

The Endowment Fund

Each year the Foundation partners with Westwood Leadership to identify opportunities that support the Westwood ministries.

Adult Education

Your gifts directly benefit personal growth through speakers and discussions on current issues with biblical and theological bases.

Art and Music

Your gifts directly benefit music, art and gardens at Westwood by enhancing the story of our faith.


Your gifts provide funding for basic needs to those who need extra support in and outside of our doors.

Youth Development

Your gifts strengthen and support youth at Westwood as they develop, share and witness their Lutheran faith within the church as well as in our community and world.


Your gifts provide scholarship for members of Westwood continuing their education at Lutheran colleges, universities and seminaries.

Our Foundation Leadership

Kerry Kruppstadt



Vice President

Tim Hill


Dave Raatz
